
.. platform-picker::

The platform-picker directive defines a platform-specific block. In this block, a single platform is chosen to be visible at any time. The available platforms are rendered as buttons that can be clicked to switch the visible platform.

.. platform-choice:: name

The platform-choice directive defines the content for a single platform. Each directive must specify a name argument, unique in the platform-picker block. The text on the corresponding button is set by the title option. The altname option sets a more generic name for a platform, so that some platform-specific blocks can be more detailed than others.

For example:

.. platform-picker::

    .. platform-choice:: windows
        :title: Windows

        Instructions for Windows

    .. platform-choice:: macos
        :title: macOS

        Instructions for macOS

    .. platform-choice:: linux
        :title: Linux

        Instructions for Linux

will be rendered as:


Instructions for Windows


Instructions for macOS


Instructions for Linux

The platform-picker directive can be specified many times on a single page, and all of them will switch at the same time:


More instructions for Windows


More instructions for macOS


More instructions for Linux

The altname option can be used to drill down into a single platform in one of the sections but not others. If there is a choice with a certain altname and a choice with the same name, the latter is preferred. For example:

.. platform-picker::

    .. platform-choice:: windows
        :title: Windows

        Instructions for Windows

    .. platform-choice:: macos
        :title: macOS

        Instructions for macOS

    .. platform-choice:: debian
        :title: Debian Linux
        :altname: linux

        Specific instructions for Debian Linux

    .. platform-choice:: arch
        :title: Arch Linux
        :altname: linux

        Specific instructions for Arch Linux

    .. platform-choice:: linux
        :title: Other Linux

        Generic instructions for any Linux

Consider how the following two blocks interact with each other:


Instructions for Windows


Instructions for macOS

Debian Linux

Specific instructions for Debian Linux

Arch Linux

Specific instructions for Arch Linux

Other Linux

Generic instructions for any Linux


More instructions for Windows


More instructions for macOS


More generic instructions for all Linuxes